Wedding Countdown Ticker


The End of a Chapter

I have the left single days behind and have moved on to bigger and better things. That's right I am married now and loving every moment of it. So follow this link so you can read about this new chapter of my life with my wonderful husband!


I am Thankful for...

  • a wonderful Thanksgiving that I got to spend in California with my parents and Michael (our first Thanksgiving together)
  • a running car with a working heater and a fiance that knows how to drive in the snow (and who was willing to drive most of the trip!)
  • a fun bridal shower and all the people that helped plan it and all those that came to celebrate this exciting time with me
  • the temple and the opportunity to go through for the first time. And I am so grateful my mom, dad, Michael and many friends were there to support me.
  • selling my contract for my apartment so we wont have to pay two rents after we are married
  • having a place to live after we are all we need is a bed. oh and a couch and a few other things. But hey. Thats alright. Thats what being newlyweds is all about, right?
  • friends who let us crash at their house when the weather is too bad to drive in
  • A mom who packed us lots of yummy food to eat on our long drive home
  • A dad who loves my pumpkin pie
  • getting to see some good friends while home for the holiday, and hoping to see a few more at the wedding.
  • Michael, who also doesnt like turkey! We're perfect for each other. And we may be the only family that doesnt cook a turkey on Thanksgiving :)
  • Black Friday shopping...I have all my Christmas shopping for Michael and I got some pretty sweet deals
  • the end of the semester. Of my 5 classes, I have 3 finals the last week of school, 1 final online the week before and a class with no final!
  • the blessings of paying tithing
  • Prayer
  • dipping my toes in the ocean water, burying my feet in the sand and a beautiful view of the islands, even if it was only for a few minutes
  • 19 more days until Michael and I will be married for time and all eternity!! I am getting more and more excited every day!



Do you ever look at the calender and all you can say is OH MY GOODNESS??

Yeah. Well, I just did that!

2 weeks from today I will be leaving to spend Thanksgiving in California.
Then 3 weeks after that I get married...that's only 40 days away
(not to mention that is also finals week)


I am still in shock. Just ask my roommate.


I think he looks a little too happy...

Meet Yogi. The newest member of my sister and brother-in-law's family. He paid a visit to my apartment last night.

Michael really seemed to enjoy him (a little too much for my liking). Michael thinks that we should get a snake someday. I am not so fond of that idea. I think I will just stick to a dog!


Thats How you Know

I was listening to this song the other day and I love the lyrics, especially these few lines:

Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...
He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!

Now, I know that this is just a silly song from a fairy tale Disney movie but I think the lyrics are so true! It are the little things that Michael does for me that I know how much he loves me and make me so happy. Like when he picked me up from the airport last Saturday, we got to the car and he had a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a Midnight Milkyway (my favorite!). Or the email's he will send me during the day, just to say hi. I love him so much and I am so happy to be back in Utah where I can see him everyday!


133 Days...

Until this handsome guy and I are on a huge cruise ship headed to some exciting destination (that is yet to be disclosed, he wants it to be a surprise). All I know is we leave out of Long Beach and will be gone for a week. I cant think of a better way to celebrate our first Christmas together. December cant come fast enough!


Surprise Engagement Dinner

This past week Laura and I had planned to meet up and go out to dinner. Little did I know that she was planning a little engagement party for me. She stopped by my house and we headed off to the Cheesecake Factory in the mall. She told me that we had to make a quick detour by a store. When we walked in Kat and Olivia were there waiting for us. They even had a "Bride to be" sash and tiara for me to wear. We had a great time eating yummy food and laughing (a lot!) Thanks guys for the memorable are the best!!

Oh, and as a side note. Earlier that evening I went wedding dress shopping with my mom and sister. No such luck finding "the dress" but I did find some styles that I love (and some that I dont like so much!) All in all it was lots of fun and I am so happy that I was able to go with my mom and sister before heading back to school. And I cant wait until I get back to Utah and can go searching with my other sister! :)