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Recap of Summer

This summer sure has flown by! It seems like just yesterday I was graduating from high school, packing my bags and heading to college. Now I have completed my first term at BYU, lived on my own for 2 months (and loved every minute of it), met lots of people, and made many new friends, and in between all the studying managed to do lots of fun things. A few of my favorite memories from this summer (in no particular order)...

Bowling at the Wilk

Me, Zach and Courtney

Me and Jess

Our (not so) impressive scores...I won with a whopping 78!

Movies in the Park, watching "I am Legend", and a really funny B&W film with Marylin Monroe, "Some like it Hot", on a homemade projector screen

4th of July with the Family in Logan and Sydney's Baptism

Cousins, Brittany and Evan having fun

Watching Fireworks with Keegan

Baptism Girl, Sydney Fay and Corinne

watching the Car show on Main St.

Walking back poor, little Evan couldn't keep his pants up!

Going to the Farmer's Market with Courtney, Jess and Michelle...getting leather bracelets, holding a bunny, eating yummy tacos and getting Pie Shakes at Sammy's
Michelle, Jess and Court

Going to Music and the Spoken Word with Brandon, Zach, Jess and Court, walking around Temple Square, then having a delicious Sunday dinner with Courtney's family! and how could I forget Dancing with Dweebs, laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing, playing the "Fortune telling" game, and then Fondue party later that night
Me, Brandon, Zach and Courtney...
one of my favorite pictures!

Me, Brandon, Zach and Jess
Fondue Party

Doing an extremely funny skit at our Ward's variety show

Me, Alex, Blake, Jess, Brian, Court and Cesar
It may appear like we are just sitting there, but we were actually doing a skit- it was quite fun but you really had to be there to fully understand it.

Ice Blocking with our FHE group

Closing Social/Water Party for our ward
Group shot

playing a game...we had to consume whatever we pulled out of a bag as fast as we could
(lets just say I didn't do that well, especially since I hardly ever drink soda)

Check out Jessica's amazing form going down the slip 'n slide!

Playing the Disney Game out on the grass in front of our building

Dance parties in the kitchen with Court and Jess

Waffles for dinner

Making Zucchini bread

Eating all the hunks out of the peanut butter ice cream

Cheetos Battle between Court and Michelle

Frantically mopping the kitchen floor before cleaning checks with Michelle

Making cupcakes for Michelle's 18th Birthday, then surprising her in the stairwell

Getting dressed up and going to the Blue Tie Affair dance on campus

Studying after calculus with Jarrett, Dallin and Aaron

Watching the meteor shower up in the Canyon and having a mini astronomy lesson...
I wish I had brought my camera for that!

Tunnel singing
Sunday night

And countless nights sitting outside and talking with friends

Looking back I really did a lot of things this summer! Its been a great beginning to my time here at BYU. Although I miss my family, friends and home in California, I'm having lots of fun and wouldn't trade this experience for anything. So here's to a memorable summer and all that the future has in store!



I know its been a few weeks since graduation, but here are a few pictures from all the festivities.

My proud parents

Me or "Graduate", as Brittany and Sydney liked to call me

At my graduation BBQ
l-r...Stefani, Me, Laura, Brie, Kat, Chloe

l-r...Me, Corinne, & Lindsay
Lindsay decided to try on the cap and gown for old times sake. All three of us wore the same cap and gown for our graduations.

Me and Aunt Fay

Gigi's Forever!
"True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart"
l-r...Me, Laura, Chloe & Kat

The Birthday Group
We've all grown up together. Now its hard to believe that we have all
graduated and are going our separate ways.

Me and the Kidlets
l-r...Sydney, Eric, Kaitlyn, Brittany & Tyler

Friends Since Day One
Me & Stefani

Shaun, Me & Lindsay


Easter and Spring Break

Easter was lots of fun. We went down to Lindsay and Shaun's and dyed eggs, did an egg hunt, got yummy treats from the "Easter Bunny" (and yes, the Easter bunny left me some treats in my Lamb Chop basket. It was pretty cute, the kids kept asking me if I was going to take my Easter basket to BYU with me!), had a beautiful table setting and a delicious Easter feast of ham, "funeral potatoes", homemade rolls, deviled eggs and tasty green beans!
Tyler's first taste of rice cereal...he didn't quite know what to think of it

my contribution to Easter dinner

Each place setting was beautifully done by Lindsay

Mom & Dad

Our Host & Hostess and yummy Easter feast

My egg is the bright blue one, it had stars all over it

Eric & his Dad
(he was trying to make a heart with his hands)

Kaitlyn with her two eggs

Brittany demonstrating the proper way to dye an Easter egg
The next day we went exploring Old Town Temecula. The kids and my Dad loved going into some train stores. My mom and sister and I loved one particular boutique (unfortunately I cant remember the name) but it had some really cute aprons made by a company called Funktion Home. They also had a very unique laundry bag that I decided I had to have for college! (but I'll save that for another post). Lindsay and the kids spent the rest of the week at our house. Unfortunately, I had to work the rest of my spring break but at least my next pay check will be nice and big!

Birthday Shout Out!

There are so many birthdays in my family this month (especially this next week)! So I decided to do a special little post for all my favorite April-Birthday people...


Corinne, Anie, Lindsay, Kaitlyn and Evan!


Fun with Family

The week before Easter Aunt Fay, Uncle Bob, Tanna, Sydney, Keegan, Evan and Austin came to visit. It was a FULL house, and lots of fun. Unfortunately I had school that week, but it was great seeing everyone and playing with the kids. Here are some pictures...

Tanna and Evan enjoying a Sunday afternoon nap

Aunt Fay and Sydney enjoying the sunshine between sessions of conference.


self-portrait: soaking in some rays of sunshine

Austin loved sitting in the toy bin!

Keegan, Evan and Sydney jumping on the trampoline

More fun on the trampoline

One night Evan was playing with Uncle Bob and kept asking him to "do Donald Duck". Evan thought it was hilarious!! Keegan even tried to make a Donald Duck voice like Uncle Bob.