Wedding Countdown Ticker


I never thought I would say this but....

....I am going to miss Provo. I have 9 days left here and I am not sure that I want to leave. I will miss the people (yes, especially one in particular), the social life, my ward, my job, and believe it or not school (its hard but it sure does keep me busy). Don't get me wrong, it will be nice to go home. I have been up here for almost 11 months now and it will be great to work, save money, and not worry about paying for rent or food. I am looking forward to spending time with my family and catching up with friends from high school. But 4 months is a long time and I know that I will go crazy if I don't have things to look forward to and keep me busy. So here is my list, beginning with the thing I am most excited about:
  • Michael is coming to California in July!!! (probably for the 4th) This is going to be really hard going from seeing each other every day, to not seeing each other for 3 months. But I just have to keep telling myself, its only 3 months, at least its not 4, right? I CAN make it! And who knows maybe I will be able to come to Utah before then, there is a Jenkins family reunion in June :)
  • Lindsay, Shaun and the kids will be in California for about a month.
  • Jeremy, Tanna and the kids will be coming in July
  • I get to go to Maryland/DC with my parents in May for Spencer's graduation from law school
  • I plan on making lots of visits to the library...I have been so busy I haven't had much time to just read. And if anyone has any good book suggestions, let me know!
  • The beach!! I was in Utah last summer so I didn't make it to the beach many times before I left and I MISS it! You can take the girl out of California, but you cant take California out of the girl. Hopefully I will be able to spend many afternoons sitting on the beach, listening to the waves crash on the sand, reading a good book and soaking up all that California sunshine.
  • Cooking...I cant wait to cook in a big kitchen, with all the tools and ingredients that I need. More often then not I have a craving to make something, only to realize that I don't have everything I need to make it. And being the poor college student that I am, I don't want to go out and buy the stuff. Plus, I have a sweet Rachel Ray cookbook I got for Christmas and I am dying to try some of the recipes!
But I still have 9 more days left here and I am going to enjoy every last minute of them! Even if it will include me taking 4 finals, writing 2 papers and packing up all my stuff. My motto for the next 9 days: "Come what may and LOVE it!" (a great conference address by Elder Wirthlin- which I highly recommend reading- and also my favorite song from Moulin Rouge)

at least this is one of the things I get to look forward too!